Posted in: Healthy COVID-19


You know, recently the COVID pandemic is raging around the world. They bring great problems and inadequacies to people. But the biggest problem is still health. At this time, health protection is extremely important for each person. However, because it is a new virus, there is currently no specific drug or vaccine to treat Coronavirus. […]

Posted in: Healthy COVID-19

COVID-19: 14 BEST homework for beginners

During a pandemic and socially, what would you do? Should we take time to improve our health? But you’ve been waiting forever, hoping you’ll stand up and practice right after reading this article. As more and more people choose to “isolate themselves” and “socialize” from friends, family and the gym. Home exercise is becoming an […]

Posted in: Healthy COVID-19

5 Ways To Care For Children During The Corona Season

COVID-19 infection in children Children’s resistance is often very poor, so parents need to protect the health of children very carefully especially during the COVID pandemic. Children aged 6 months to 3 years old, this age of the child is often referred to as the age of “immune gap”. Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic is very […]

Posted in: Healthy COVID-19

Health and Nutrition a Priority During the COVID-19

No one could have predicted that the COVID-19 pandemic was affecting every aspect of our lives, from virtual classrooms to remote working to early restaurant closures for isolation. completely. Public health measures and viral infections are needed to slow the spread of this disease. No one knows how long these virus safety measures will need […]

Posted in: Healthy COVID-19

5 healthy eating tips for the COVID season

Maintain eating fruits and vegetables During this epidemic, it is difficult to buy fresh food stock. Especially when parents are advised to minimize going out of the house. But whenever possible, parents need to ensure plenty of fruits and vegetables in their diet. Try to buy fresh food whenever possible. Fresh fruits and vegetables can […]