Posted in: COD WW2

SECRET WEAPON UNLOCK! Final Infantry Rifle in COD WW2

Hate the game y’all never made me feel so down about not being able to grow. Full facial hair Thanks half the kids say that probably can’t even grow hair brah. Today’s video is not about my stinking facial hair and keep your eyes peeled. For a 1 million subscriber kind of setup giveaway Q&A video just because we hit a.

Melt it doesn’t mean we’re done we still playing we still grind and do what we do. Boy it took years and years and years to get where I am now folks in this video I. Want to showcase a little something-something right now my. Infantry Division level is 4 and we can prestige dudes I wasn’t aware that you.

Unlock a secret assault rifle called Sol I’m guessing it stands for out of luck. I Call it secret because it’s not on the list we don’t know it’s in the game until you. Unlock your bro all right so no lie I think they buffed the FG after a nerf. Net without saying so if you use it now it doesn’t seem to have as much kick as. It did when they first nerfed it it’s not like a new rifle it’s a variance of.

The svt-40 the sol through this thing looks pretty busted up and rusted. Although the weapon variants in this game don’t change the stats of the. Weapon they sometimes change the optic the iron sight of it and make it more. Clear and easy to use semi-auto marksman rifle delivers high. Damage that can take out enemies in two shots whoo look at these iron sights.

All right so it has a decent amount of kick but it’s not uncontrollable look at. This thing this thing got some use that’s for sure I’m gonna just shoot. Without trying to control the recoil at all alright so it pretty much only kicks. Up like it just has vertical up and down kick now I’ll try controlling it.

Alright folks let’s put the weapon to the real test I really am loved in World War 2 though I’m not like playing 24/7 but I enjoy what I. Do play so much like I’m really excited for this Cod here I’m. Not rushing I’m not like in a hurry I’m just enjoying the game for what it is. I’m glad that I brought back series I had before and I plan to continue. Uploading to these series along with additional videos vlogs we’ll be making.

A return I still have a lot of stuff that I want to unbox and potentially. Give away the works man the things I use when I game the things I use for my. Setup I kind of want to do like a gaming setup giveaway like equipment to get. Your channel started it appears my team is just straight walking through I just. Want to see what my SVG can do boy your spawn more than me man where’s.

Your buddy I just take a seat I got I got a two-shot svt what you gonna do about it. Load your nade randomly I respect when people are putting effort into whatever. They’re doing let me just finesse you this is a variant some of the variants have like. The more clear iron sight as I said this is a clear example okay you know what. This SVT isn’t nearly as bad as I thought it was gonna be a little bit of.

Revenge I don’t know how I’ll bump them semi-auto. Where the hell is this guy he’s like inside the rock that’s a pretty unique. Spot never knew to go inside the rock let’s legit the first glitch spot I’ve. Ever seen in this game all right I guess the game just wants us to find this map.

Bedell is actually quite a few low levels in here do it so you either see. How the bunch hi prestigious or you get lucky once in a while and everyone’s. Like just playing the game today at that time we head home dude dude even with a grip it’s still.