Posted in: COD WW2


There we go , it’s too easy though really. Yo ladies and gents boys and girls we’re, about to have the clam the tag-team the. Killer duo of the century myself Elite, shop is teaming up with the one and only. Leaderboard J Korean savage you know I, hit them up on Twitter asking if you.

Want to tag-team I don’t know if we, couldn’t be stopped I don’t think we can. Be stopped all right so let’s get, hitting the party just send me an invite. I think the one and only stop dude, rocket let’s get them do wish you eaten. I mean a brownie, bro I want a brownie do about the.

Freakin spank what about this no I do, I’m a noob just got this game last week. Oh man 6 dude I’m always 7 don’t hate, I’m taking it I’m taking it steady. Almost like wait hold on did you, actually rank like how many times over. Me I’m trying to decide like how many, procedures more is that than me there’s. That’s a lot of more procedures Hey, I actually like using gone yeah.

Oh yeah our team’s not bad either not, like the matters I feel like with us is. Just gonna like, I was getting I was gonna eat it earlier. Kept on my shot ease you know that, freakin crank for like time by that day. Alright I’m no wonder this man never got, so bad by shotguns before oh I think.

It’s just because we had the past couple, cosby and jet packs I’m playing slow. Though I get to kill this gun, oh my goodness you’re eighteen why don’t. Yo swabbies cake, no oh the game is gonna end up Russell. First game that’s crazy dude I get Tyler, just so much easier having like a good.

Teammate hey bro I was legit testing it, to Luis that’s like my first time you. Know Luis yeah I would have held off on, tags to Matt I didn’t know I was. Honestly just gonna feel I didn’t expect, you I realized oh shoot. All right let’s go warm up there I don’t, know dude I feel like we should have. Teamed up earlier to see like The, Incredibles you know team swag well yeah.

Every Marvel what’s that bro who’s Marky, J yeah that would be crazy. And BRABUS landship is dumb shoo, there’s like some low-key like mw2 a my. Opinions like the best card take away, the takeaways a woman early danger-close. New tube though or tweak it or something, Robin a decent streak right now. Not always, stay party over close them I always.

Forget how quick on EMS again I actually, do like a prestige oh and like you gotta. Cross your fingers that they stay in oh, yeah and they’ll stay in all right look. Good we’re gonna sister what are you I, started off started up roll it beat. Earliest spawn trend, no I stood alone oh yes.

Gotta reload I’m watching see you, whole squad. Damn brother’s watching days no no you, want a street yeah. Playsafe, oh there you go there we go come on. Fellows are you load up this 100% good, lay down lay down without. Got it fun but they gotta be fun you, know.

Yo try not calpro troopers or comb no do, not call. Oh my god, hell yeah dude hell yeah like 17 watch. Your head, someone’s happy I think coming through. Minute, we’re good here we’re good.

Oh we’re good yeah who’s stopping, bullets though that time in perfect a. Perfect bro I got one let’s kill the, seven shots oh you’re out that was. Perfect timing, go on go on it’s too easy though for. Real that’s the beauty of it though down, or 22 you got have 20 I’m like I think.