Posted in: COD WW2

MUST HAVE WEAPON! It’s like CHEATING in Call of Duty WW2

This gon is straight-up cheap, bro it goes off it’s just like a laser. Beam yo what’s up guys my name’s Shawn, aka a lead shot and we’re playing some. More World War two we’re keeping it, simple folks we’re going for this new. Weapon that they’re released for a, contract check it out give 400 kills.

With a rifle and we unlock the old, captain it’s a bar variant the bar is. Like one of the best guns in this game, so let’s go for this epic variant shall. We yo dudes I know we have viewers from, all over the place so in the comment section. Let me know where are you from without, further ado sit back relax and enjoy the. Gameplay gonna play on a shipment simply, because I want to get these AR kills.

ASAP this might be a little bit rage inducing, I don’t mind ruining their shrieks I. Guess been real I guess shipments not, for people that are so low y’all ready. To witness what this what we can really, do we’ll get in the groove get these 400. Kills and lock this new bar shall we there we go STG, this thing deals damage bro all right. This is going to be just pure trihard, mode for most of the gameplay so hope.

You guys just enjoy the carriage because, we’re gonna be just killing stuff you’ll. On the real I just got this new control, freaks pro control freak Omni they don’t. Add much height they just add more grip, bro a lot more than your standard thumb. Stick ones go control freak throw you, never go back if you want to win a pair.

Of control freaks comment where you’re, from and the console you play on you. Have to also make sure you follow me on, Twitter so I can get the proper shipping. Address and stuff they say having a mint, like before you play or actually when. You’re playing is effective I don’t want, to annoy the hell out though so I’ll try. To be careful when I play this might be, the time to try out this steady aim.

Rifle Sun up with an airborne we have to, watch out for shotguns because they will. Hurt and they’ll make me cry and they’ll, hurt my feelings and showing how dare. You quit Call of Duty I’m on something, could you got real scared about it bro. You got real scared, whoa steady aim with extended you no. Longer have to aim down sights folks, maybe sometimes I have to chew extra for.

You tried stabbing me, alright this thing’s working man. Now we’re hurting them back there I’m, supposed to make a video out of this. Game play enemy stop making a boring we, might as well just bust out the best. Class in the game folks, there’s no more joking around no more.

Playing the same game dude this is real, life so the Volk it did receiving a. Little recoil nerf but now it almost, gets easier headshots so paired with. High-caliber headshots no problemo, I’m being really like passive with it. Because don’t have a grip or quick-draw oh my goodness, Vanessa nice all right this is my first.

Time getting our triple mortar kill, normal I kill nothing with it alright. That was a lot easier bro when you give, yourself the best gun I mixed the game. Easy and fun, if you want away control freaks all you. Have to do it’s like the video comment, your console where you live then I’ll. Send you if you like to get in better, with improved in that act adapted ah.

That’s how you do it baby, we’re going for the old captain yes indeed. You’ll flippin win straight to the reach, for the skies see I’m shooting the coin. You know I really should be using semi, autos but uh they suck so what’s the. Happened the Dark Lord, bro I want to use that for sure it’s. That new mg I haven’t even shot at once, yet I heard it’s kind of similar to the.

Louis so let’s see we gonna pick that, thing up whoa yo this thing apparently. Was like originally intended to take out, like air support it’s supposed to take. Out like things in the sky bro look at, this thing holy this thing is beefy okay. This is better than the Lewis dude, oh ho ho ho that was nasty piss chug. What the hack we’re just going so, try-hard mode it’s great end of the game.

Bro like takes that long to get up for, real bro I swear the Volk is like the. Most consistent weapon to use it reminds, me of the ACR from MW – speaking of MW -. You guys heard right I mean it’s all, news to all you now the rumor is the. Rumor because I don’t think it was, actually officially confirmed by. Activision yet Modern Warfare 2 is gonna, be remastered but it’s only gonna have.