Posted in: COD WW2


Describe for me for every corner I think, nice just pushing them. Hey victory is a victory the grease gun, is much better now gents you know try. This thing off you have already it packs, a punch so the car 98 received a little. Nurse and the lee-enfield received a, little buff I want to see how big of a. Difference it actually makes I haven’t, tested them since the update so I should.

Know pretty quickly too – I’m a star, with the car 98 all right so it doesn’t. See them as fast I do have the ACOG, sight on here but it’s really not that. Slow either snipers should not be able, to beat out a fallout of weapon after. Being shot at snipers are snipers bro, they’re meant to be used at range and if. You got the skill Hey, throw it off bro all right so I’m gonna. See though the end field alright so this, definitely seems faster oh dang a marker.

I don’t think you were expecting that, there she is dudes I’m actually liking the unfilled a. Lot more now, oh this thing sure get set markers. Though like six bump want to come this way, Thank You Thomas. Whoo that’s what I like baby, not safe you’re not safe. You’re not safe hey so far I’m pretty, satisfied with the adjustments they made.

Yeah I’m going back to the car 98 and, show you something the car 98 not as. Fast as you used to be but that’s okay I, got you I got you don’t worry you ain’t. Stab me with that thing oh my god bro, so quickscoping won’t be as easy as you. Could see that that worked, nope okay let’s try the Enfield the.

Lee-enfield is much more usable now, check this out video. Researching photography I tried Pullman, you know I tried shooting again ooh. What’s that what’s that dude you’re dead, okay don’t nice dude get turned on my. Spawn brah any other contenders alright, enemies this is your final warning. You can choose to back out as a game now, or after Gustav cannon aka spawn trap.

City and the comments below, are you a sniper didn’t expect that. Little pistol up now did you don’t risk me well these guys shop, about that shot about that shot and that. One anybody else want some I’m sure you, do or get dropped. Let’s call down some streaks our team’s, gonna need it choose five. Hey how expensive these shrieks are I’m, sure they’re gonna tweak them a little.

Bit away the Wallis was more back here, Oh check this out don’t put it near me. It’s firing from today spawner right, there holy crap Jews we’re being a. Menace do we were spanked you know, I’m starting to like the end field a little more. And that’s game boy I screwed one a five, we were dropping them in their own spawn.

Thank you for watching folks hope you, enjoyed the gameplay we were slaying we. Were playing before you guys head out of, here check out my description be sure to. Follow me up on all social media, I do giveaways I interact with you guys. Stay connected and also check out my, game with essentials the things I use to. Improve my game use discount code elite, or Ally shot to save thank you for.

Watching hope you enjoyed it subscribe, if you’re new remember if you’re. Sticking with the umpire don’t forget to, stay elite my name’s Sean aka Alisha I’m.