Posted in: COD WW2


Some food a cat litter and water, upstairs but just like to like hang out. In the open she likes to hide maybe the, gunner optics will really get me in the. Zone here damn bro 366 score per minute, that’s pretty good and 14 days whoo all. Right welcome to Team Deathmatch on all, your shotguns oh it’s actually called. Pointe du Hoc sorry got the names, confused um I would like glasses so much.

More if they never got smudges that’d be, a miracle stir the egg okay I think I. Think y’all think y’all need some backup, we got the double that I wanted to get. Okay it’s okay, another bouncing betty hello goodbye. Five free part of that let’s go around, instead need some help shotgun him down. I know this guy’s to be on that ledge, right there holy guacamole it’s like a.

Haunted movie brah turn around he’s, right in front of me alright so this map. Does have a lot of close-quarter, craziness I’m gonna do my best to rush. But hopefully not run into a shotgun oh, my gosh bro check out my back real quick. A little subtext check first he’s, running into it I’m running away. I think if used bouncing Betties you, should be immediately banned from the.

Game allowed to never play again it’s a, new rule there should be a new update. And satire people who’s in here what do, you have on surprising soccer bye bye. See you later bro we’re gonna drop a, beat – with this game this guy. I’m just feeling it already I’m just, feeling it and I have lethal streaks on.

Fango brothers ballsy buddies are, horrifying. This bottom maps a little sketch, sometimes do these dams end too fast if. You get a v2, so I love gin dude like all the kills. Have any attempt to get it come on, come on come on come on. Or I gotta be so close right, I had it yo you shotgun users stopped me.

From getting a nuke I was about to drop, a V – what’s up hold my canteen all. Right dudes we’re gonna try this again, except with the non-lethal streaks yo. Who wants to be my video editor you, gotta be like a pro what you do it made. Like hundreds of videos they’ll make me, pop you blitz breaker man down I’m gonna. Mute everyone just so no distractions, take this six smoke.

The sting Shrek’s, I’m out I’m out before they even know. They’re definitely still back there but, I’m going to switch it up you got to be. Unpredictable noice that’s gonna help, out I’m really pushing here sing us. Godlike rope, oh god I gotta move.

I’m moving as fast as I can dude he gets, scared when in their face. He and I that’s the surprise does this, count toward a streak or not okay I’m. All using these because I can use them, as bait like I’ll let them push up. Sometimes son of me, oh I’m you know what Jill how did no one. Kill him oh my god dude that’s why, they’ll go for v2 is through that’s why.

I will go there’s no point, it’s not worth the headache. Do I support teammates at middle and, none of them shoot the guy running past. Middle, I don’t you can’t ever rely on teammates. Bro ever y’all are real skillful players, damn. Thank you for watching the gameplay hope, you dudes and dudettes enjoy it if you. Did your thumbs up is greatly, appreciated we rock the new sterling SMG.

In the type 38 if you haven’t seen, either weapon there’s gonna be videos on. My channel, yo shout out to more than divine for. Letting me use his account I’ll provide, his channel in the description go. Subscribe say Li shot sent you, Alisha say Alisha Sencha oh and also. Check out my description for my social, media links like Twitter Facebook. Snapchat Instagram and my gaming, essentials the things I use to improve.

My game, use code elite or elite shot to say I’m. A cod fanboy and always will be even if, this game turns to overwatch – and black. Ops 4 that’s the rumor, we’ll see if it’s true but hey I’m.