Posted in: COD WW2


Actually kill some people, family-friendly in a video game this is. The Sten alright dude it’s so crazy, playing gun game in here honestly I. Think this is a pretty smart move, why not make the HQ a map like well done. Thinking outside the box another one sin, no bro what if we can also get to that. Hide spot Boosh bro this is actually, cool not gonna lie this is one of the.

Better multiplayer maps, oh do they’re in trouble. Nice fire rounds Lewis with a scope on, it easy peace sniper is up to 25 in here. Sit down the good work one shot for you, gpmg oh man another sniper rifle. Can we actually shoot the firing range, oh I was gonna target practice pistol.

Don’t make me do it there you go buddy, of Kimbo pistols take a seat oh honey. With iron sight come on down just to sit, down oh he just likes me back to the. Iron sight on assembly have in mind I, kind of want to practice more oh man. Brutal there it is it’s close dude you, know they have this new challenge bro.

Heroic Lewis get 100 LMG kills, definitely turned that on you know it’s. Really cool that slow tremor games is, allowing us to unlock weapons through. Challenges like that’s how it should be, so perhaps to you guys we got the heroic. Wayfinder to the Chatterbox to the, torpedo we still have this to heroic. Weapon bribes so we’re getting close to, a lot of new weapons here I’ll just do.

It PPSh bro no mercy, throw it is so weird shooting people in. Here but I love it, it’s like bro the layout of this map. It’s unlike any other map of course you, go in there I go in the shooting record. For you for you this is cool though dang, bro waiting coordinates in the. Headquarters, wool throw a care package here.

Yo this is low-key fun maybe high Q why, did I ever make that leap there’s two. Don’t after we rolled it I should have, whereas a lot of deaths bro. That was kind of let’s kind of n-no oh, shoot. Now think the weapons change every time, so if there’s a lot more fresh okay. Whatever you do if your spawn down there, you’re in trouble because you can even.

Push out without getting shot in the, back every time over here I want to just. Stay like in this area gold stealing, kills free kill I will one killed behind. Folks have to step up beautiful man I, can sit right here. Holy rocket launcher up I was like a, direct impacts but doesn’t kill them. It’s better they suck than be, overpowered right it was how you have to.

Be low health that works, iron sight I’ll take it over 300 I would. Have been sick yes, that was pretty quick. All right well pushing up at any moment, it’s a life-or-death situation. Spawn split extra quick damn dude why, should I go for it I always spell that. Looking good the maps not big they sure, spawn close I could see why I had hustle.

On before thanks bro, so no new for us thanks thanks so much. You’ll be out there little Kyle it was, good I getting up there do this weapons. Straight up sheep, guys take a little more it’s a lot of. Low B’s sneaky sneaky, what’s this who’s shooting that. I’m shooting you on the face sign, I mean are you the one in my gummy.

Course do Barney it’s just my job it’s, what I do my brother says you’re corny. What’d he call me Tony I’m saying corny, or gorgeous either way I’ll take it. Roll prop pull em out all right boys, that’s headquarters. I’m definitely replace some more I know, I could drop that nuke it’s it’s cool. That sledgehammer games is still, innovating trying to make this game as.

Wants to be for those who still play it, so drop the weapon contracts allowing us. To unlock guns you don’t got I’m Ian, Brown it’s it’s cool by me 2.6 for Katie. 375 score per minute not too shabby, hello off some steam have some fun sit. Back relax and enjoy brilliance what, game is all about hey thank you for. Watching your support is appreciated, check out my description for my game and.

Essentials things I use like my headset, controller control freaks and check out. My social media to stay connected I’ve, been doing giveaways on my Twitter I’ve. Been streaming on Facebook I’m staying, active on snapchat I have an Instagram. See what’s up bro thank you very much, for sticking with me and the EE my name. Is shawn AKA elite shot i’m a cod fanboy, and always will be i’m signed out boo