Posted in: COD WW2

THE LAST CAMO UNLOCK in Call of Duty WW2(p1)

Ladies and gentlemen boys and girls, you’re probably wondering Shawn how do. You have diamond camo on your other, weapon classes I thought you only had. The sniper rifles did you just play a, crap-ton or not tell us have you been. Streaming under the radar well ladies, and gentlemen none of those answers were. Correct Oh baby, jeez Louise look at this thing okay how.

Do we have diamond LMGs how do we have, all this holy guacomole in now all I. Need is one more camo before i unlock black sky, what before I unlocked Chrome in World. War two a good fellow by the name of, defect or Dylan is letting me unlock. Chrome on his account on my account I, only have two snipers diamond his link.

Will be in the description massive, shout-out to him you know he hit me up. Reaching out letting me know that he, only needs one more Challenge to go. Let’s go headquarters lights girl, let’s go headquarters let’s go let’s go. The party is poppin everybody holy crap defense, dang dude he’s ranked 1618 his channel. Will be in the description this dudes, the og for letting me do this for a man. I am honored the pans are shredding, let’s just get in the game and try to.

Take out five streaks or should I say, let’s just do it there is no try you’re. Do or you’re don’t bro, here we go wish us luck.
Alright dudes let’s see what we can do I, don’t want to push them too hard I. Actually want them to get UAVs it’s, tricky to play in a way where you don’t. Want to do bad but you also don’t want, to do too good your anime studio a if. You already I must take out five of them, in one game I just want them to hop in.

The hardpoint get tails, yes that’s what I wanted here. Roll it legit shot straight for more, folks you know I’ll give them one too. Maybe they need the challenges oh man I, still love this weapon bro I’m 1941 you. Don’t see you too much but if you can, manage that recoil you’re spanking me.

Spank I’m supposed to take out five in a, game check out one first shot speaking. Of the devil do is actually shooting, straight my favorite words bro guys only two left. Okay I’m so glad they shoot straight in the game, hey bro we need a one-horse freak this. Guy’s name is Street cheese bro, this might be our lobby folks look at. Our team’s losing I’m expecting UAVs, they got more people it’s a late one yes.

Four more I’m like purposing out pushing, the hardpoint. But I also don’t want the game to end, too fast so it’s gonna be a little bit. Of balance yeah dude I love that she’s, gotta leave this shot the thing doesn’t like swerve. Between the suppressor is diamond, striking targets. Oh that quiet oh yes thank you thank you, so much enemies oh we got it baby.