Posted in: COD WW2


yo yo yo what’s up ladies and germs
let’s do this check this out yo I’m
gonna go for the flower boy I’m a lead
shot I’m an eagle so of course I gotta
get the fly boy the epic bar bro the
bars warm those weapons that even though

it’s being nerfed it’s still good and
one of the best we have to get 25
headshots with rifles I’m using weapons
that I don’t have gold yet because I am
slow and steadily gone for chrome yes

I’m still playing World War 2 yes I’m
excited for Bo for only real Cod fanboys
continue to play the Call of Duty that
everyone hates son if you’ve been
playing Call of Duty for a few years you

would know the Cod cycle man I said
every time I feel like I said every vid
but the Cod cycle we know it we love it
and hey it’s Call of Duty man we get
hyped for the next Cod people don’t like
the current one we see gameplay more

hype we play it blah blah blah take a
seat I may get my health back before I
push back out head shots
alright only 24 more headshots to go the
SVT right here deaf we’re not the best
but it was buffed not too long ago

we’ll try to push through mid I don’t
have my bayonet on hold up ignore yeah I
see him I see him
headshot for you
headshot man was looking over there he’s
got the cool hand too oh that that was

pretty nice I’m pretty sure that was
also like an order weapon we could have
got that wasn’t a headshot that wasn’t a
headshot but it’s okay we’ll get another
challenge is done that guys sniping I’m
gonna run past sit down I’m gonna take

your gun I don’t have this one
and I kind of watch try it out
let’s go this way I don’t think you saw
me that I do didn’t see me and shoot his
head wasn’t headshot but it’s a dead

shot by I shoot you first and you still
kill me makes sense man I just need to
get headshots yes no cancel that UAV
yeah another headshot 5 out of 25 other
one down I wish this game would like
take people off your team that with that

negative you can’t win if your teammates
are enemy spies dude take a seat buddy
yes another headshot six out of 25 I
just want to get the Flyboys yay getting
challengers done one at a time
yes seven out of 25

another one down no teammates hop on my
back everybody hop on eight out of 25
looking good
I wish your skin would like kick people
on your team that are just really bad I

don’t know it’s just how can you win a
match when your teammates go negative I
don’t know bro I have so many supply
drops saved up
I think I’m pro Qing like a hundred with
all of my combined owe back on this map

everyone’s favorite camping map let’s go
I wish I had my ginger in the background
to give me support
headshot that one did like messing up
the spawns

now worth much here eight more shots
beautiful noise 15 out of 25 all right
on to the next one hey don’t mind the
lack of quality yo I’m gonna call my
girl what’s up gangster bye baby
all right back to killing stuff my

team’s getting all obliterated by these
dudes y’all God chose the deaths oh my
the stones just winning and we’re doing
good so far it sounds gorgeous by the

damn that’s one nice looking gun I have
to go throw this port stacks sit or run
into my bayonet
obvious oh my god i’ma bust out the Volk
one of the best guns in the game easy

I’m telling you dudes the DLC weapons
are always so dang shreddy how many
times we’re gonna play this man whatever
I just want to get this fly boy and show
you guys some gameplay main one down

another headshot Oh shotguns are great
they require a lot of skill and I have
nothing but respect wow this thing is
melty out this time bud dang Volk
cheat codes they’re not gonna release a

DLC weapon that’s bad they want people
to spend money to get I’m obviously bro
dan this thing crunch their head
headshot revokes the easiest gonna get
headshots damn GG in the chat I do easy