Posted in: COD WW2


Marnie Marnie okay this makes the game way more fun, with a gun they can’t lose. Disclaimer I pulled an all-nighter I did, not sleep yet yo yo yo what’s up dudes. And dudettes my name’s Shawn also known, as the elite shot and here in world war. Ii i want to purchase the best weapon in, the game the Volks stronger were the.

Volk strim Magoo err the Volks trauma, Gor I don’t know how to say it but I. Want to get it man we have to buy the, remaining parts of this collection to. Get the weapon dudes we only need 517, credits for us to buy the best weapon in. The game what makes the Volk so good is, that it shoots fast and it’s very.

Accurate it’s kind of like the ACR from, mw2 or mw3 it’s like an that kind of. Consistency you know I got some drops, instead of me like wasting money let’s. Try to actually get them from these, supply drops we have here cool little. Little gift someone open my normal ones, first and let’s actually hope for.

Duplicates just so I get some credits, what do we gap all right dude you don’t. Actually that many, something something what we got all. Right nother Supply Drop let’s get it ooh, something pretty baby. Brook just like that we got dude just, like that we got the righteous to a.

Heroic type 100 variant dudes heroic, weapons are so rare I don’t get them. Often so what I do it’s a big deal baby, another heroic SMG buried some winter. Ones in there we got one more to go here, ooh nice Navy code talker get some more. Dopes don’t have the amount of depot, credits just yet so I’m going to open.

These five resistance drops I’m gonna go, where I like this one back drop all. Right check it out dudes are we lucky at, all bro you’re ruining the view a cool. Background for supply drops here we go, come on now oh do another heroic drop. The SAP – it’s a heroic outfit for the, resistance division all right looks.

Pretty silly right it looks gap kind of, like that one more but we’ll put on SAP. Three more resistance drops how we looking, all right two more yes come on. Resistance side cap got one more drop, hopefully something nice duplicates good. Good good ladies and gentlemen oh man, will a jet short like dudes guys we’re. Literally down 11 Depot credits only 11, you know I want to get the 11 credits we.

Can go play we can just go win yeah get, 10 tank turret kills in war so I’m gonna. Go to war and I’m gonna go get these 10, tank turret kills and then open the drop. We have to get 10 kills in the tank we, get the 10 kills and injures back out. I have vowed to kill you just for you, I need more tank shells speed come on show yourself. I just need some tank bills, nice go four out of ten.

As much as I can hear fight simple, actually going work our eyes extra. Peeled camping extra hard just waiting, for them to walk in my sight. You know someone walked in my sight, please let’s check it actually grab it. Done before we completed it we can go, get the credits all right I don’t know.

Why I’m act like we understand his, turret still but I’ll stay in the game I. Won’t just back out there we go buzzer, beater victory 55 switch sides let’s. Just get in there do some more get out, and get the vault deal let’s make it. Happen all right it’s time to buy the, most overpowered overuse the easiest the.

Best gun in World War 2, I’ll show you why the Volk is so deadly. And dominant right now, it’s obvious but I want to prove it to. You after we get it here guys we have, enough credits now we can finally get. The Volk that’s sick let’s get it home, collect it all and I’ll break out the. Good stuff got a new grip Congress, spending a bunch of credits here but.

It’s worth it focus act to good use on, the front the resist put back to good. Use on the front the resistance ends and, we got it check it out dudes oh that’s. Cool nice Germans one no the resistor, folks let’s check this bad boy out shall we. Look at that skin on there dude and the, variants that go with it defiance the.

Goat – and the plain wolf looks actually, pretty nice – this one’s got a cool. Decal on it and 10% soldier XP bonus so, more xp for using it check it out folks we got it. Finally it’s been a long time my friends, all right so check this gun out this. Thing has no attachments and it shoots, this straight it dudes they pretty much.