Posted in: COD WW2


Vertical only recoil you know what I, probably need a grip dude I think our. Grips just a waste it does need, quick-draw though the iron sights aren’t bad. They’re definitely not bad at all the, optic is up to you if you want to use. That if it’s a five shot kill him cry it, was a for the fact that it shoots faster. Than SMGs and kills from farther away, it’s just mind-blowing to me.

You know what I’m gonna I’m gonna keep, the iron sights and I actually might use. Hike oh my dude high caliber the, headshots with this gonna be nasty. Ladies and gentlemen boys and girls are, you ready for some volt gameplay this is. A weapon I wanted for a long time since, it came out we finally got it I’m gonna.

Go do some damage alright enemies y’all, ready for a taste of your own medicine. The Volk whatup Volk respect she’s going, for the wall banks another show just a. Little too much let’s chase him actually, he was not ready for that one we’re. Running over Volks as we speak I feel, just too confident with the vault okay. Well except I’m getting shot in the back, I don’t feel too confident about that.

Like if you want other weapons to, compete they have to be on this level today. Volk material then move on to the next, weapon this thing’s got it all you see. This dude don’t mind if I do, don’t mind if I do. This is the best gun in the game dude, hands down I just bought the best gun.

Don’t don’t hate is one shop, I killed them with with the impact. That’s how you know you’re G, throw our pilot this fortnight people. Through the window okay y’all can just, sit still for me I turn on though. Money morning, okay this makes the game way more fun. With a gun they can’t loose come on now, paratroopers Oh for the final 40 and.

Nine that’s the vault do you’re, terrorizing their spawn all right this. Gonna be like an epic last sunup there’s, gonna be a little bit of everything in. This video dude this thing is the new, best bro it has been the best since it. Came out this is gonna be nuts dude, advanced rifling with extended and.

Quick-draw second night while you can if, you want to pull your best focus. Yeah dude this is without a grip, what’s those shrines through when you. Have this weapon it just makes you feel, like a better player we’re just we just. Took over their spawn all right move out boys, spring that helped all that time listen. Wait dish quick chop I don’t know if, that’d be smart or not no I lost them.

Let’s give them a little treat, I guess we’ll put it right on their side. Of course the or so is like one of the, few weapons they could beat this out from close up. I know sha DS smell the recipes it’s, tough to compete with this though. Look at my teammates though what do you, carry port room tonight be reportable.

Dude yo kappa kappa what’s up what are you doing, 113 doing so this map it’s called I. Think sniper map he loves the taste of shrapnel, we just sports flip y’all spawned watch. It down right now, I don’t think you can lose with the bolt my god dude. I don’t know what these teammates legit, do I don’t know why they’re on my side. It’s disgusting, I can’t tell if advanced rifling is.

Needed on this weapon it’s only, effective from pretty far away I’m sure. It has the 4 shot kill from decent oh my, god oh my which this weapon is just so. So beautiful we’re just getting a little, taste like we’re still getting warmed up. To it that’s a scary thing, my jump shot was not bad this hip foyers. Unstoppable drop is definitely push that, all right paratroopers our full effect.

Folks and so is the Volk there’s sin far, back – there goes our street. That’s why don’t go for V tubes or even, like look at my score because you just. Gonna let yourself down when you when, you die in a nice streak like that just. Play have fun do your best and if you, get it you get it don’t put too much.

Stock toward it because then that makes, it annoying for my experience. We’re just in their spawn we’re just in, it. Will that burst from a distance though, can’t imagine it with the scope like. Range it even needs one I don’t know bro, 30 you just can’t beat this thing you. Can’t beat this thing not bad dude fake, cancer that hey that’s how it’s done.

Dudes thank you very much for watching, hope you enjoyed the gameplay if you did. Don’t forget to elite shot that thumbs, up on in in the comment section what do. You want to see next more for at night, play more for night if you want to give. You Shawn play for at night bro I play, it but I’m always gonna be a cod fanboy. Are you an elite shooter then join the, crew the squad the Empire subscribe and.

Turn on notifications to never miss an, upload I’m glad I’m back like I just. Have fun recording I might not be super, consistent as of lately but I will be. Because I’m gonna I’m finding people to, help me edit I’m gonna focus on. Recording more I’m gonna be streaming, more I have some big news some big.

Things coming up I’ve been doing a lot, behind the scenes so keep your eyes. Peeled dude things are coming out, alright dudes we wrapping this up thank. You for watching thank you for sticking, with me and the ee1 mill girl baby. Stay tuned my name is Sean aka Ali shot, I’m a cod fanboy and you know when I.