Posted in: COD WW2


Oh lead shot is the mother go ad and say, it not my words bro yo ladies and. Gentlemen boys and girls today we have a, special video a viewer by the name of. Zest he has a YouTube channel I’ll, provide his link in the description. Definitely check him out say lead shot, sent yo he reached out and asked if I. Wanted to unlock the diamond shovel for, him he’s giving me the honor he’s.

Allowing me to unlock the final camo for, the shovel bro only one more to go so 5. Kills without dying boom we got diamond, yo massive shout-out to zest I like. Doing these challenges I’m not even, close to getting my diamond shovel so. I’ll do it for you bro I got this don’t, you worry he also has the Sten which is.

Sweet along with the GPMG and he has the, GU or 43 he also has the secondary’s the. Ice pick and the trench knife like this, dude is a grinder I respect the grind bro. I respect the hustle I’m picking the, goat class that has the Sten we got this. Backup shovel it’s the flash variant, it’s the first one so it’s a bit rusty. You know looks worn it’s not the heroic, version though we’re about to unlock.

Diamond camo if you guys enjoy the video, only shot that thumbs up button and. Comment notification squad after you, turn on notifications bro stay up to date. Never miss an upload or when I go live, now it’s your time to sit back relax and. Enjoy the shovel gameplay let’s get it let’s go, did you ever like take a break from. Playing a video game or take a break, from doing something you enjoy only to.

Find out that when you come back you’re, better than you were before I notice it. Every time I kind of step away for a day, or two from editing or 20 video games. When I come back to it it’s even more, fun because like if you do something every single day. Of course you’ll get better and improve, but it might start to become a bit. Repetitive and something you’re used to, you know my phone’s ringing yeah I’ll.

Play I’ll play later if you’re down all, right I’ll let you know. I watched back it was sick nice very go around, yeah I got Merc hub she came out on. Console and a few buddies and I have, been playing it you know it’s the first.

Time I ever played puck G so it was a, fun experience dude and I’m getting. Better and better, Oh yo best one shovel kill guys check. This out I’m going for this dude first, yes to slow down guys this might be this. Might be clean and simple hold on hold, on I’m time in this while guys this is a.

Great map for shovel kills okay risking, a little just a little we’re playing. This safe we’re gonna fraid to push I, see a couple Souls over there come on in go Dawgs. Yes we got it we got it baby yo dude all, camel challenges completed for this. Weapon voice yo this was my first match, with the shovel my first streak with the. Shovel all melee weapons all camo, challengers for the shovel gift 5 kills without dying.

5 times yo that was absolutely perfect I, mean I was just like being sneaky about. It and then just came right through they, were asking for it now let’s tell it. Extend other stuff performs what you got from East End, we’ll try suppressor on it. As I was saying earlier about pub G um, expect to see some gameplay I’m gonna. Show you guys my first attempt my first, time ever playing it along with gameplay. Wires partnered up with a funny brand, you got a W so it was pretty fun I enjoy.

A pun on your game since it’s nice to, branch out I’m always gonna primarily. Play Cod this is my go-to game oh haha, that’s why baby moments like that yo. Create a back-to-back line of batter, feed they spawn into that come on. Bro we’re just dropping bombs on top of bombs, dude they’re just running into it yeah I. Wish I got oh you sneaky little stinker, yo dude you got diamond with his shovels.

So quickly I mean he left us with one, challenge to go one little task and we. Got it our first streak let’s try and, cook this dude were they yeah man we’re. Still pushing I enjoy using weapons that, I’ve got brawn she must not being nice.

One more kill to go that’s game ladies, and gents 1901 first match with the. Shovel we already got diamond baby I’m, gonna check it out in all of its glory. The diamonds although they don’t really look like diamonds, it looks like bedazzled my World War two. Up and out bedazzled check out YouTube, zest in the description man for getting. The diamond shovel we got 22,000 XP, let’s toss it on our soldier and see how she looks.