Posted in: COD WW2


Listen for this little leprechaun, request whoever kills them will get all. The streaks baby let’s a go this way, instead where I want to keep my ears. Peeled for that little every time there yes, holy Brewer here’s the little creature. Okay chase that day chase that little, thing chilling killer with fighter to. With whatever you got I want to get all, my streaks that’d be beautiful.

He laughs here, there yes I go there we go good creature. Disappeared, well that’s my first time feeling that. Little freak all my goodness good stuff, I’m gonna first drop my care package. Down I just got so hyped to kill a, little freaking leprechaun.

Who’s dig ‘ln laughing his little outfit, now you ain’t laughing I mean I was. Shaking them then I shot him to finish, him off I think I want to call my. Fighter pilot first soon we got oh great, now check this out I have a good feeling. That we’ll be seeing them on this side, if not come on down paratroopers I can. Also call my bombing run thingy but I, feel like it might and might just steal.

The killer oh that was my bad screw it, calling it down bombs away inside get. Myself killed with it, ooh another three that’s what I like to. See all right cameras down but we’re, still shooting away okay it still work. It’s doing work we’re trying to stay, safe from here there is that leprechaun.

You appeared again they got a bomber -, okay I think that children. The creature disappeared, for you this dude – I probably could go. For a stab the leprechaun won’t come, down one more time. Whether galosh freaks, all right artoo now she won good job. Team we were able to kill the Leprechaun, for the first time I want to keep.

Playing I want to get some more streaks, into this little creature left behind. Was it my kill was it my chill it wasn’t my, I just pop the thing on the head I just. Want to focus this little leopard cat yes there yes, yes I got a I got a little freak. My god back again, and call this number right so again I. Can’t call you our blacklist gold bonds go, okay this is a pretty crazy mode dude oh.

Man that’s a freaky looking Leprechaun, thing is real freaky looking. Oh my god double oh damn, what a move everybody y’all trying to. Punch for a leprechaun – yeah I think, that’s banned that might be a really. Effective way of selling it you can use, it pretty rapidly or even like combat my father.

Where’s bubble country and they spotted it, yes I got roughly read straight to me. Think of my call one thing at a time not, gonna call both because no you just. Scares people away I don’t know if I, have to be over there directions called. It would appear to get, I gotta take your head off I try to be.

Hey yo Burnett that’s the best way to, chill it’s gotta be so fast I was. Through more paratroopers and other one of these, gosh this company us real quick it. Appeared again to that nice very nice, dude go roma roma once one team like. Gets the leprechaun twice so much game, over it’s not much they can do so I.

Think we found the easy way to kill it, ban that charge the hell out of it just. Keeps shaking it just poke the little, zombie leprechaun until it dies I was. Like yeah I’ll just stab them to says my, ammo ladies and gents that’s leprechaun. Hunt hope you enjoyed the gameplay, definitely shot that thumbs are fun the. Elite I’m players growing every day also, turn on notifications comment.

Notification squad if you did stay tuned, more gameplays coming soon some shipment. Gameplay of the new map along with some, new weapon gameplay so keep them eyes. Peeled you already know my name is sean, a.k.a elite shot when i game on I’ll. Make sure the hats on and don’t forget, stay calm bro when you play just stay. Calm or try to sometimes it’s tough when, there’s a leprechaun y’all like the. Video for leprechaun lunch I’m signing, out ladies and gentlemen push.