Posted in: COD WW2


Ladies and gentlemen I have a gift for, you I’m gonna use the new weapons and. I’m not gonna stop I’m Alicia sorry oh, shoot. Son the sterling SMG offers strong, damage numbers with their slower fire. Rate than other weapons in its class so, apparently the stats told me to anything.

In this game so you really can’t take, them for like hard truth okay bro these. Weapons look pretty dope he’s got all of, them oh my I’m jealous. Yo massive shout-out to more than divine, he’s letting me hop on his account one. More time he’s almost at a thousand sub, so if you guys go to the description. Check his channel out drop him a sub and, say yo elite shot sent me so thanks dude.

I’m super height to try out this new, sterling SMG and he’s got the blitz. Breaker the tank color combo okay I’m, gonna test in the fire range first let’s. Go oh dang he’s got that a ruby camel on, there this thing was crazy bro I want to. See it with know Kim, dang he’s got a holy crap man pitch he’s.

Got a lot of cool camos look at them, honestly I kind of liked it just by the. Default just because I want to showcase, its naturalness I haven’t opened any. Supply drops on my account since they, added this new stuff so I still have a. Lot of new things to unlock fancy cat, speaking of cats I don’t know if you. Guys follow me on snapchat but I, recently picked up ginger and she’s at.


My house right now, we took her like to the cat clinic to. Get these like knots cut off and she got, her shots and everything so she’s all. Good, okay these are honestly kind of cool but. I want to put on the eagle obviously so, let me actually fire this thing after we. Inspect it, all right first things first it’s got.

Pretty nice iron sights it has a, different kind of recoil pattern I’m. Gonna shoot it without controlling it, it’s almost like an L shape it’s kind of. A weird recoil pattern so I got you to, keep that in mind when using it it’s. Gonna kick up into the left a little bit, and this is with a rapid-fire grip and. Extended mag more than divine said these, were the best attachments for it I’m.

Gonna take his word for it and actually, try this thing out so please sit back. Relax and enjoy the gameplay, like I still have a lot more to go like. The camos and challenges I’m in no rush, even though black ops fours multiplayer. Is similar to overwatch yeah I wonder if, that’s actually true this one dude.

Apparently has some like Intel from, Activision and heard that it’s like. Overwatch dudes and dudettes this is the, new sterling smg’s enemies love this aw. Bro can I reach okay didn’t get the kill, I like the sound I’m going straight in. Airborne straight in need some backup -, quick – deadly I’m liking the feel so. Far it kind of reminds me of like and, improved a grease gun I feel like went.

Over there and new DLC weapons they get, sort of resemble weapons that are. Already in the game except better not, even being sarcastic I feel like the DLC. Weapons don’t want the the new weapons, that added the game are always better in. Some way, this thing doesn’t seem too shabby folks. Baby I’m jamming I’m Jamie I’m doing I’m, gaming.

I’m sure I’m trying to record a video, what’s the solution lovey I can’t even. Talk I can’t hear you I’m in the middle, of a World War two battle I’m talking. Round here I’m will just going off I’m, destroying what are you auditioning for. American Idol all right all right we’ll, talk later this SMG is so good I love.

You too, yes it’s really good like I’m legit. Destroying I’m fighting on this dude’s, account and I feel like the enemies are. Easier hi, okey-dokey jockstrap a Luke on this dish.

All right bye, oh sit down dude Tromp refire me your. Tribe butcher bro everyone’s calling me, hello I’m recording right now all right. Dudes first game with this new SMG we go, 25 and 4 not too bad it’s pretty cool. Seeing more than the vine be level like, what is it to 276 yeah so I’ve been. Taking care of ginger like she’s just, hiding under her chair right now I have.