Posted in: Healthy COVID-19

5 Ways To Care For Children During The Corona Season

COVID-19 infection in children

Children’s resistance is often very poor, so parents need to protect the health of children very carefully especially during the COVID pandemic. Children aged 6 months to 3 years old, this age of the child is often referred to as the age of “immune gap”.

Moreover, the COVID-19 pandemic is very complicated and there is no preventive vaccine available. 

Therefore, many provinces have decided to let their children leave school to limit the risk of infection. Parents need to pay more attention to the care of children at home, to help children overcome the season safely.

At the time of the pandemic, the proportion of children infected with COVID was quite low, but it is not so that we neglect the health of children.

How to take care of children at home

The new strain of Coronavirus is transmitted from person to person through 3 main routes:

  • Spread by contact with droplets from a cough, sneeze, runny nose into the airways.
  • Spread directly.
  • Spreads through contaminated intermediate surfaces.

With the situation of the Corona epidemic (COVID-19) becoming more and more complicated, schools from preschool to high school decided to let students leave school to limit the risk of infection. Therefore, parents should note the following measures to protect and care for children effectively at home.

Limit exposure

Actions such as cuddling and kissing babies can cause children to get saliva droplets from an infected carrier, even though they have not yet developed an illness such as cough or fever.

So parents need to limit children to receive those actions. Parents should limit children to crowded places, try to arrange a time to have fun and study with your baby at home.

Keep clean

To minimize the possibility of spreading the disease to young children, parents must maintain good hygiene for their children. At the same time, careful hygiene for children is a very good way to take care of children’s health.

Parents need to wash their hands often. Also, parents need to limit the baby’s contact with surfaces such as toys, or objects they can hold. 

For older children, parents must set an example for their children, such as creating washing habits before eating, after returning from outside, …