Posted in: COD WW2

MUST HAVE WEAPON! It’s like CHEATING in Call of Duty WW2 P2

The campaign and a lot of people are, thinking that one mission where the. Russian Airport is probably not going to, be in the game because of the current. State of the country and the way things are going, most people that wanted mw2 remastered. Wanted it for the multiplayer room I’m, sure I’ll still play the campaign try it. Out see how it is but I was hoping for, the multi player broke nothing was.

Confirmed yet I know people are jumping, the gun and freaking out already. We have to wait and see what happens, because it’s not out yet nothing was. Confirmed how many kills do we need 314, out of 400 folks were getting closer. Well I’m huggin oh we’re too old P I’m, sound if you use the Volk you win if you. Don’t you’ll lose by it, that was me and bro that was me these.

Sticks are so comfy by the way I can’t, bro these new omni sticks I’m not even. Joking you just my thumb’s are so grow, this thing snaps okay this gun is. Straight-up cheating, damn bro bro it goes off it’s just like. A laser beam it’s legit like you’re, cheating them bro having a gun that shit. This way I don’t know boys yeah my jaw, has been really acting up it just hurts.

TMJ please go away, oh nasty the nasty please check it sit. Oh that quick turn though thank back, that quick turn with the grips bro get. Them with that quick turn look at these, things you don’t die wall grow. I’ll return how do you care about the, scope on this map you don’t need it.

Okay promising it’s a win I want a more, chose know a lot more streaks look at. This thing the last ship apparently some, new bicycle on the game. Okay wait done dress yet over the Coons, really I’m getting tired over here check it. Legit six kills away and we have, ourselves the old captain feel like I. Said that for every guy whoa, I don’t know how he dodged whoever just happened. That was a little massacre for a moment, there no big deal the resort so I’m.

Sorry it’s just too much to handle, put into the flow get another kill I do. A further thrill keep on the one man, something to the top getting number. Streaks do it every week slaying all you doing, you got to prefer you you know I’m. Pretty hype to use this bar bro, I didn’t use the bar the entire session. So let’s see how it compares to the, Asaro eiffel’s excuse me.

So rifles we were just using level 49, check out that owner baby completed a. Quick peek before the game you know what, it’s really not that bad man I don’t. Know if they just recently tweaked it, but that’s not bad looking at all in my. Opinion hey I’m going for a thumbnail, bro I’m going for a thumbnail let me get. My thumbnail okay, geez Wow pretty something about the bed.

Oh teammate one more joy, fuck this thing is pretty solid. Alright bar this might be your last game, in duty captain let’s do this he’s got. The twisted to this thing well try it or, so twisted to with the turn-on. Let’s go inside and look the iron sights, wall the way this clutch feels dude I.

Don’t know what it reminds me of well as, soon as we took the twisted the game. Returned around these tees be tingling, my taste buds totally tubular Timmy. Man this bar let me start, it’s a god lobby now. There’s two Oh 21 in three alright folks, if you want to win yourself a pair of. Control freak I’m nice comment where, you’re from and the console you play on. What parts of the world have we reached, thank you so much for watching guys hope.

You enjoyed the gameplay I still have, fun playing this game it can get. Frustrating at times but also it’s fun, it’s a game bro you win you lose. It’s part of the fun if you’re new here, subscribe drum the Empire won mill and. Counting we’re growing baby I’m gonna be, dropping something special for my elite. Umpire my elite shooters a real cool, thingamajiggy I’ve been working on with.

The designer so stay tuned yo you, already know my name’s Sean aka you lead. Shot I’m a cod fanboy and always will be, you sign now push.