Posted in: COD WW2

THE LAST CAMO UNLOCK in Call of Duty WW2 (p2)

Where’s that two more one more I think, I’m gonna gots two more. Thank you guys one more to go one more, UAV to take out we got Chrome for defect. Defect defect as I say it wrong the whole time, fighter aircraft ready for strafing run.

Okay maybe we should hang a little low, and not push so hard because they won’t. Get UAV you keep like stomping them it’s, getting too close to the end I need them. To get a UAV come on man there’s only a, minute left in the game will we turn it. Up too hard this is gonna be the longest, minute of my life kill my son. Please call you avian and kill myself, please I need them to get UAV ladies and. Gentlemen there we go check it out check it, complete all camo for the rocket.

Complete all challenges for launchers, complete all camel challenges for all. Weapons ladies and gentlemen we just a, locked chrome camo for deep fat now. Let’s go win the game before they do no wait, host wad was there. All my cards up Chile’s zombie holy crap, there we go what a game yo folks we just. Liked chrome camel the final camo in the, game for defense Madson shoutout to this.

Dude for letting me unlock it for him, I’ll provide his link in the description. Check him out defect, aka Dylan he’s posting gameplays man it. Was my pleasure and honor for me it’s, unlock your for him guys hope you. Enjoyed this is the first time I, unlocked a final camera for someone tap.

That thumbs up button I’ll lead shot it, you can noscope it let me know how you. Shot it that’s not that much like speed, considering it’s the last camera I kind. Of wish there was still less few going, on bro nonetheless we got chrome camo all dudes. Holy crap look at this chrome beast oh, man oh man here we go yeah let’s check. It out with some of the pharaonic weapon, it’s like the jawbreaker this one’s not.

For relics like I think it’s still gonna, look a lot better than the other one. Okay it still goes grimy still a little, dusty dude whoo and the light though. That Chrome’s really shining let’s check, it out on the zipper this thing already. Looked chrome without having chrome now, with chrome it’s gonna look ultra chrome. Bro this is where chrome shines, literally this is what it looks best on.

Unheroic weapons they’re not all, scratched up there’s no dirt rust or mud. They’re just shining bright, oh man no attachments on it dang bro. Alright still a little rusty it may be, very rusty but dude that’s cool you know. So many people are hating on it I think it’s sweet, oh it’s gonna cool on here for sure Oh. Shiny oh man he’s got done he’s got two heroic FGS, this is so like detailed him pretty well.

Let’s try with chrome on it flash is, really shiny stripe happy look at the. Barrel holy crap, that looks pretty sweet all chromed out. Okay that’s pretty baller this is a sick variant, hey okay this is a really cool variant. Man I love the look of it now let’s see, how she looks. Dang dude that’s shiny that’s the thing, chrome camos I can look good on rusted.

Dirty weapons but if you have bro, experience this is where they literally. Shine Oh beautiful thank you for, watching hope you enjoyed the video this. Was something a little different than I, normally do massive shout out to death death. Set his name a million times I put his, link in the description check him out.

Sadly shot Sencha I’m really happy to, unlock chrome camel for you thank you. For allowing me to before guys head out of here, check out my description we got my. Social media and my gammit is central, stay connected and improve your game. Thank you for sticking with me and the, EE my name’s Shawn ultra known as elite.